If anyone was doubting the slow burn approach which this second season was taking, let The Red Sowing stand as proof that the people behind ‘House of the Dragon’, despite any flaws, know exactly what they’re doing.
As controversial as ever, ‘The Boys’ only seems blunt because we are seemingly entering a post-satire world. It is increasingly difficult to invent a dystopia which is less ridiculous than reality. Moreover, the show was always a scathing criticism of the society in which it was produced; its quality has not diminished as some people are wont to claim.
Many will see this as another filler-heavy episode, albeit with a welcome return of Laenor Velaryon’s dragon Seasmoke. Book fans, however, will be able to anticipate future events which have been gleefully set in motion during this new episode.
Perhaps the only thing that those who’ve been tuning into ‘The Acolyte’ for the last two months can agree upon is… that it’s officially over. Yes, this week’s finale in the eighth episode of this debut and controversial season.
Now that we’re past the halfway point of this season of ‘House of the Dragon’, its slow pace is beginning to show signs of dragging. That said, it’s understandable that the show would take a breather after its first major character death of the season.
Next week will have the final say as the finale of ‘The Acolyte’ looms. Until then, we’ll be counting our blessings in the form of fun fight sequences and neat planet names that pop up in the bottom left corner of the screen. One. More. Week.
All in all, The Red Dragon and the Gold is an episode for ‘House of the Dragon’. For those who are in the know, the action is unfolding like a tragedy, slowly and deliberately. For those who have no idea what to expect from this series, this episode will be an emotional gut-punch, the first of many more to come before this tale is over.
At this point, ‘The Acolyte’ does enough for Star Wars fans to warrant the watch, even if just barely, at times. If you’ve made it this far in, either way, you may as well finish it, and that might be the strongest reason we can give you to continue to watch.
Rising from the ashes of Game of Thrones, it’s safe to say that House of the Dragon has firmly proved its staying power amongst critics and audiences alike. So far, this new season is shaping up to surpass the first one, and possibly Game of Thrones itself. Here’s our review and recap of Episodes 1-3.
For better or worse, the fifth episode of ‘The Acolyte’ was destined to be a turning point; the crux for the show’s narrative direction and overarching purpose, and that we did, in a fashion that is thankfully both stylish and sensible… for the most part.
With episode four, we’ve officially reached the halfway point of ‘The Acolyte’. Now is about the time that most folks will form the beginning of some sort of final opinion; even if the mystery is still in-tact, you can sort of see where all this is headed.
‘The Acolyte’s third episode isn’t a needle-mover, by any means. Things slow down, retread, and in some ways even regress. But, it’s still in line with what the show has presented artistically thus far, and moving forward, it shouldn’t serve as any more than an indifferent roadblock to look back on.
What audiences got to see in the first two episodes of ‘The Acolyte’ is a fair, inoffensive display of neat visuals and solid craft. It won’t blow any minds, at least not yet, but there’s enough to like here for fans to hop on the freighter before it hits hyperspeed.
The second entry in the Star Wars ‘Tales’ series delivers a consistent and intriguing look at the corrupting powers of the dark side. Here’s our review and recap of the season.
Fans of the original series should find satisfaction in seeing all their favorite characters in an appropriate new light, whilst those simply looking for something new to watch on the platform should find plenty as well. It isn’t a particularly special effort, but Netflix’s version of ‘The Last Airbender’ is just what it needs to be.
The second season of Marvel’s ‘What If…?’ has the chance to serve as an antidote for fans who have soured to the MCU, and as a reminder as well - there are still untapped compelling stories and characters within this universe.
After this finale, Ahsoka as a whole, remains an enjoyable, yet deeply flawed Star Wars adventure. The show, for better and for worse, is uniquely Dave Filoni. but the show feels to be the most like a true Star Wars adventure, when compared to its Jon Favreau helmed contemporaries.
With only two episodes left, ‘Ahsoka’ has a lot of ground to cover if the show is to manage a successful “landing", which may leave some fans worried, as Disney+ franchise shows have become known for uprooting any narrative momentum and falling apart.
After last week’s spiritual journey, the titular Ahsoka takes a backseat in the series’ sixth episode, aptly titled ‘Far, Far Away'.
One might have hoped that this season of ‘House of the Dragon’, despite any flagging or extra filler, might be amounting to something spectacular for its finale. Unfortunately, despite a few moments of payoff, this season’s final episode is an altogether anticlimactic fumble.