Tuesday, July 4th Blu Ray Releases

Thankfully July 4th is the day that America celebrates its independence and not movies because it appears that this week will be a bit of a drag for Blu-ray aficionados.

The Zoo Keepers Wife



One of the more under seen and less talked about films of the year is making its debut on Blu-ray this Independence Day. The Zookeeper’s Wife recounts the heroic actions of a couple in Warsaw, Poland that were responsible for hiding multiple Jews inside their zoo while Nazi’s were occupying the territory. The film moves at a slower pace and takes its time but manages to stay interesting because of strong performances by Jessica Chastain and Daniel Bruhl.



Song to Song



The final film being released on Blu-ray this week is Terrence Malick’s latest effort, Song To Song. Not many people had a chance to experience this film since it didn’t have a wide theatrical release, but the reviews from its premiere at SXSW were relatively poor. Terrence Malick is known for his existential style and has proven to be hit or miss for many. If anything else, the one thing that might attract people to this project is the star-studded cast that includes Natalie Portman, Michael Fassbender, Ryan Gosling, and Rooney Mara.

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