The Weekend Update 7/7/17

We are back with this week's edition of The Weekend Update! There are only 2 major releases this week, one of which might be a little hard to track down. As always, be sure to click on the pictures to get redirected to so that you can buy your tickets in advance (trust me you'll want to do this for one of them). I'll give you a quick synopsis, my pre viewing thoughts, and then the choice is ultimately in your hands. Let's get to it!


Spider-Man Homecoming

Purchase your tickets in advance here!

Purchase your tickets in advance here!

In case you've been living under a rock as of late, Spider-Man Homecoming, the much anticipated collaboration between Sony and Marvel Studios is FINALLY hitting theaters this weekend! 

Thrilled by his experience with the Avengers, young Peter Parker returns home to live with his Aunt May. Under the watchful eye of mentor Tony Stark, Parker starts to embrace his newfound identity as Spider-Man. He also tries to return to his normal daily routine -- distracted by thoughts of proving himself to be more than just a friendly neighborhood superhero. Peter must soon put his powers to the test when the evil Vulture emerges to threaten everything that he holds dear.

If you actually read that synopsis I applaud you. I'm sure you all will be rushing out to the theaters to watch old web head back in action. I know I will be headed to the first showing tonight and am absolutely thrilled to see what Spidey is going to bring to the MCU. Spider-Man Homecoming is currently sitting at a 93% on Rotten Tomatoes, so I think it's safe to say we are in for something special here. This is the flick to catch this weekend, and if you're able to, I'm sure it'll be one to experience in IMAX.


A Ghost Story

Purchase your tickets here!

Purchase your tickets here!

Okay, so you've experienced the big blockbuster spectacle that is Spider-Man Homecoming and are now looking for something a little more calming to cleanse your palette. Look no further than A24's Indie and Sundance darling A Ghost Story.

Recently deceased, a white-sheeted ghost returns to his suburban home to console his bereft wife, only to find that in his spectral state, he has become unstuck in time, forced to watch passively as the life he knew and the woman he loves slowly slip away. Increasingly unmoored, the ghost embarks on a cosmic journey through memory and history, confronting life's ineffable questions and the enormity of existence.

I must say, the trailer for this film was unlike anything I've ever seen before. It was cerebral, fascinating, and slightly comical due to the fact that Best Actor winner Casey Affleck was portraying a ghost using a sheet. However, the buzz surrounding this film has been overwhelmingly positive since its Sundance debut and it also helps that studio A24 has been absolutely knocking it out of the park with original and independent cinema as of late. Needless to say, it has garnered my attention and if you're looking for something a little different, a little thought provoking and wholly original, I think this is going to be one you don't want to miss. Finding showtimes might be a bit challenging due to its independent nature, but if you are fortunate to have it playing near you, definitely treat yourself.


That will do it for The Weekend Update! Two incredibly solid films are hitting the cinema this week, so be sure to check them out and then let us know what you thought of them in the comments section below!