Posts tagged Chris Nolan
Best and Worst of July

July was a pretty good month for quality films and just like any month it had its highs and lows!  This is going to be the first time that Men vs. Movies is doing a written best and worst for the month.  This article will compile Nick, Brody, and Sean's list so that you could see our respective favorite and least favorite movies of this month and some of the reasons why. 

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Christopher Nolan Movies Ranked

Let's talk Nolan movies! With Dunkirk having been released just last Thursday we thought that it would be awesome to give you guys our opinions of Christopher Nolan's best films so that you could have a Nolan marathon from worst (if there really is one) to best if you so desire!  We have compiled lists from Sean Chandler, Tyler Tompkins, as well as our very own Griffin Schiller for this weeks ranking. 

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