The Cast of 'Jackass Forever' Interviews: This Wild Bunch Is Still Hungry For More

Not only is ‘Jackass Forever’ the funniest entry yet, but this wild bunch has made it clear there is still a hunger to give fans more of what they love.

With Jackass Forever now available to watch at home, FilmSpeak recently had the pleasure of sitting down with the majority of the cast of the fourth instalment of the ‘Jackass’ franchise, delving into all the reasons why this sequel works and was worth the wait for fans. Not only did the original cast return for the sequel, but new additions Zach Holmes, Davon “Jasper” Wilson, Sean “Poopies” McInerney, and Rachel Wolfson came into the fold to join in the chaos.

Coming into a franchise this late would be daunting for any new cast member, but these new faces not only hold their own with the beloved veteran cast, but they all add their own unique flavor to the eclectic stew that is Jackass. When I asked the new cast members when they felt like they were properly initiated, they all had different answers. Holmes stated, “I think it was after my first couple of stunts. I was like I think now they know that I’m not gonna to say to no to things and that I’m gonna do gnarly shit with them.” As for Jasper, his comfortability set in after performing the film’s hilarious treadmill stunt where the crew dressed up as members of a marching band and jumped on a moving treadmill and proceeded to get flown across the ground. He stated, “Steve-O came over and gave me his uh blessing of like you’re a gnarly dude.”

As for fellow newcomers Wolfson and McInerney, they felt comfortable fairly quickly. While Wolfson felt like she had earned the trust and respect of the guys as filming progressed, McInerney said, “Oh dude, after the first day for sure.” Each new addition to the cast was not only game for virtually any stunt that was thrown their way, but their personalities shined through and felt like natural additions to an already colorful cast of characters.

After every new entry and the bevy of injuries that comes with it, fans are always eager to know if the original cast is game to return for another instalment. Seeing as how the original cast are now reaching middle age, this question is certainly a fair and pertinent one. However, fans can rest assured because this cast is still on board for another round. When speaking to Wee Man and Preston Lacy, each of them felt similarly about the prospect of a sequel. The former expressed, “We stopped filming exactly a year ago and now it’s starting to kick in like…eh I could do another one.” Lacy added to Wee Man’s sentiments by saying, “We’re Ready.” As for fellow alums Dave England and Ehren “Danger” McGhehey, they seemed to be on a similar page. England described their feelings toward a sequel as a “double-edged sword”, while McGhehey added, “To be honest, we’ve always not wanted to do another one and always wanted to do another one.”

After talking with this wonderful cast, it’s easy to see why this franchise has had such staying power over the years, each exuding an optimism and sunshine disposition that is extremely infectious and inviting. Fans that haven’t seen Jackass Forever are in for a real treat, considering it’s the funniest and most heartfelt offering the franchise has delivered thus far.

For the complete interviews with the cast, check out the videos below.
Jackass Forever is now streaming on Paramount+ and available on digital movie platforms, and will be available on blu-ray and DVD April 19th.