Rumor: Is Charlie Cox's Daredevil to Join 'Spider-Man 3'?

Charlie Cox, the actor who was a fan-favorite in the Netflix series is now rumored to join the MCU and the jam-packed third Spider-Man film.


If it wasn’t clear already, the Marvel Cinematic Universe does not live by the ‘less is more’ credo. Granted, that is indicative of Comic Book Movies and properties regardless of platform or studio, as proven in several television, streaming services, and major films, but the MCU’s proposed ‘Spider-Man 3’ already has fans buzzing with confirmed returns of multiverse villains such as Jamie Foxx’s Electro, or Alfred Molina’s Doc Ock (announced just yesterday)

Could it not be true that Charlie Cox is joining the Spider-verse as well?

This has not been confirmed by official sources, yet, but many have indicated that this has been in development for months now, and that the deal is nearly finalized to bring Cox out of Netflix cancellation and into the MCU.

With everything happening with Marvel expanding the idea of the ‘Multiverse’ , this may have been inevitable, as fans have been clamoring for Daredevil and Cox’s return, but in terms of the Marvel business machine, it’s no surprise that this announcement comes at this time.

Fans were baffled at the excruciating series of cancellations of the Netflix Marvel properties, which involved five characters and six shows; Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, Punisher and the eventually the amalgam series, The Defenders. This followed the Marvel Cinematic formula of slowly building up their characters (in Ironfist’s case, VERY slowly) in their own properties before creating a large cinematic event.

The Defenders miniverse was plagued by expensive production costs, and with Disney launching Disney+ at the time, it appeared they didn’t care to fight for them to keep going on Netflix. Now, two years after the official cancellation of Daredevil, the rights have reverted back to Marvel and away from Netflix, so the giant production company can include this giant staple of their comics in a massive cinematic event.

The third MCU Spider Man film is currently filming and is scheduled to hit theatres December 17 2021