'Westworld' Season 3 Episode 1 "Parce Domine" Recap & Review

HBO’s thought-provoking smash hit “Westworld” is back for it’s third season following an almost two-year long break and with it, the return of our after show Into the Westworld. Things are a bit different this time around as creators and showrunners Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy have decided to leave the park taking matters into the real world. Season 3 serves as a bit of a soft reboot in that regard, though let’s be honest, you’ll probably want to have a solid understanding of past events before diving in headfirst.

The “Westworld” Season 3 Premiere titled “Parce Domine,” was packed with action, intrigue, and the same philosophical commentary we’ve come to expect from the show. Episode 1 was directed by Jonathan Nolan and really laid the groundwork for what life is like in the year 2058. We’re introduced to series newcomer Caleb (Aaron Paul) as we experience dystopian Los Angeles through his eyes. We catch up with Dolores (Evan Rachel-Wood) infiltrating the tech company Insight as she attempts to carry out a mysterious revenge plot. As per usual, no one know what the hell is going on with Bernard (Jeffrey Wright), but he’s been framed by “Charlotte Hale” (Tessa Thompson) for the Westworld massacre and appears to be grappling with dual personalities.

Each week on Into the Westworld we’ll bring you our thoughts, insight, and theories behind the madness hosted by Griffin Schiller and rotating guests. This week Griffin (@griffschiller) is joined by FilmSpeak contributor Tyler Tompkins (@t0mpk1nz) and Bustle TV Writer Gretchen Smail (@gretchen_smail).

You can watch the latest recap on YouTube or listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your podcatcher of choice.

Let us know your thoughts on the Season 3 Premiere in the comments below!