'Andor' Episode 11: "Daughters of Ferix" Recap and Review

Fallout from an unexpected death spreads like wildfire in a quiet yet important episode

WARNING: Contains Spoilers

As the dust clears from the prison break, every other character is beginning to see the consequences of the choices they have made in this galactic war. Beginning is the key word, the Empire seems to be both further and closer to the Rebels than they think they are and the Rebels are being held together by stitches. Both factions seem to be playing catch-up to their own actions, making themselves their own worst enemies. With the end of the season just over the horizon, it is still hard to see how the end is going to shape up. There are a few hints but overall there is an err of mystery surrounding the finale. It’s interesting to see how anticipation builds for the finale compared to the other Star Wars series. Previously, other series have built anticipation by sign posting large set pieces that would punctuate the series but Andor has largely avoided it, instead spreading the news of one event and one possible guest that everyone seems to want.

Beginning after the prison break on Nakina 5, Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) clings perilously to a cliffside with a fellow escapee as they hide from Imperial patrols. On Ferix, the people are dealing with the recent passing of Maarva Andor (Fiona Shaw), most noticeably Brasso (Joplin Sibtain) who consoles her droid, B2EMO. The townsfolk pay their respects as they remove Maarva’s body from the house. Looking on are Cinta (Varada Sethu) and another who seems to have Imperial interests in Maarva. Back on Nakina 5, Cassian and his companion scout a couple of fishermen and their ship parked nearby. Seeing it as their only option they make a break for the ship only to be caught by a net trap set up by the fishermen. At the ISB, Lt. Deedra Meero (Denise Gough) is informed of Maarva’s death and strategically approves the funeral for her as a way to lure Cassian to Ferix. The Fishermen are discussing what to do with Cassian, ultimately deciding to let them go to get back at the Empire and agree to take Cassian and his companion back to Niamos where he first got arrested. At Luthen’s Antiques shop, Kleya Marki (Elizabeth Dulau) is working when Vel Sartha (Faye Marsay) comes in and begins to ask about Luthen, who is not there. Vel informs Kleya about Maarva’s death and tells her that she will be heading to Ferix soon to meet Cinta. Back on Ferix, the Imperial watcher, as well as Cinta, watch as Brasso returns to the Andor household to get B2EMO. B2EMO doesn’t wish to leave and to humor him, Brasso agrees to stay the night. In a holding cell, Bix Caleen (Adria Arjona) is moved to another room for more interrogation. They ask about a Rebel leader and if he was Andor’s contact, but she doesn’t answer just yet. On Coruscant, Mon Mothma (Genevieve O'Reilly) watches her daughter and friends pray in the old ways of their home planet. Vel joins her and Mon confides in her the details of her money troubles and the solution that she may have found. Syril Karn (Kyle Soller) is woken up in the middle of the night by his mother about a call for him. It is one of his old officers from the botched raid on Ferix. He informs Karn that Andor’s mother has passed and he could show up at the funeral. Back on the leisure planet Niamos, Cassian gathers his belongings. Luthen (Stellan Skarsgård) meets up with Saw Gererra (Forest Whitaker) who has changed his mind on teaming up with the other rebel leader. Luthen is forced to admit that the ISB knows of the plan and Luthen is letting it happen. Saw immediately questions Luthen’s motives but Luthen convinces Saw that is is for the good of the Rebellion. Back on Coruscant, Syril waits for his mother to leave then takes a handful of credits from her safe. As Luthen is leaving the planet, he is stopped by an Imperial patrol while informing Kleya that he is still considering going after Andor. To avoid getting borded and blowing his cover, he has no choice but to attack the ship and ensure his escape. Cassian makes a stealthy call to Ferix where he learns of his mother’s death. With this information, Cassian ponders on what to do next.

The funeral for Maarva Andor seems to now be the most important event in the Galaxy. Lt. Meero is using the funeral as a lure for Andor. Karn seems to be making his way back to Ferix due to his obsession with Cassian. Cinta remains on the planet, watching the household and Vel is on her way to meet up with her. Luthen still has a soft spot for Cassian and seems to be headed there against better judgement. The funeral is now a powder keg ready to explode, with or without Cassian actually attending. Mon Mothma is dealing with an incredibly hard choice which seems to be no choice at all. She tells Vel that there is about 400,000 credits unaccounted for in her accounts and it is only a matter of time before the Empire inspects her books. Time is running out and her options are practically non-existent, marry off her daughter to the son of a thug or face the consequences of the hole she dug herself. Luthen and Saw almost come to blows in this episode as the trust among rebel leaders runs thin. By deciding to sacrifice an entire rebel cell to the Empire to protect his spy at the ISB he has given Saw every reason not to trust him but he decides to anyway, this is a war after all.

The finale is right around the corner and the funeral for Maarva Andor seems to be the big event meant to punctuate the season. What exactly will happen at the funeral remains to be seen, but it will be attended by almost every important character in the series will be attendance. The guest of honor, however, seems to be mulling it over. Now, for him to not attend would be fairly anti-climactic but the writers of the series has made a habit of surprising the audience. In spite of the relatively slow burn, the episode manages to build anticipation for the finale fairley well and done so without spelling anything out. All we are actually told is that there are a lot of very volatile individuals with interests in the funeral. A fuse has been lit, and now we wait.