'Ms. Marvel' Episode 6: “No Normal” Recap and Review


For the last six weeks, Ms. Marvel has gone from being one of the most exciting shows Marvel has ever produced to one of its most scattered. Starting out on such a high note, it eventually became a bit hard to follow, and some viewers (myself included) began to find themselves lost in the material - similar to how Kamala gets lost in the process of trying to uncover the secrets of her family’s past. Unlike several other Marvel/Disney+ series in recent memory, however, it redeems itself in the final episode to offer both a satisfying ending and an exciting preview of the future of the MCU.

After leaving off with Kamran and Bruno nearly being blown up by the Department of Damage Control at the end of episode five, episode six picks up revealing that the two made it out alive. Although Bruno helps an injured Kamran onto the subway to try and flee the city, the DoDC still finds them. With the help of Kamran’s newly developed abilities the two are able to escape again. But it soon becomes clear that Kamran doesn’t stand a chance at leaving New Jersey alive without Kamala’s help.

At this point the show pivots to Kamala sitting her parents, her brother and his wife down to try and tell them about her abilities. After learning about them in the last episode, her mother plays along. When no one seems surprised at Kamala’s news it’s revealed that her mother had already told them. The whole family is accepting and supportive of Kamala’s abilities. They trust that she knows her limits and how to use them. The ultimate stamp of approval comes from Kamala’s mom though, when she shows the costume she’s made for her to wear. It’s a moment that not only acts as a clear contrast to their relationship in episode one, but that demonstrates how much she now approves of Kamala’s destiny. 

After a call from Nakia, Kamala learns about what’s happened to Kamran and Bruno, and puts on her costume to try and find them. In the meantime Nakia tries to hide both of them in the community’s Mosque. Eventually the Agent Deever (Alysia Reiner) storms the building with the DoDC and warns everyone about the dangers of aiding fugitives. Even the Mosque’s elder Sheikh Abdullah (Laith Nakli) laughs at her threats. As DoDC agents begin to search the building its revealed that Abdullah is the one hiding Kamran and Bruno. As he promises to continue distracting the agency, he sends the two off. On the advice of Nakia, they head to their high school to hide. 

There, the two meet up with Kamala and Nakia to try and devise a plan. Kamala calls her new overseas ally. Kareem, to figure out a way to help Kamran leave the country. Kareem agrees to help, but only if Kamala can get Kamran to the city’s docks. Kareem says he knows someone there that can help Kamran escape. With the all-seeing DoDC closing in, Kamala, Nakia, and Bruno try to devise a plan to distract them long enough for Kamran to head to the docks. Just then, Kamala’s frenemy Zoe turns up and offers to help. She reveals that she overheard their whole conversation while trying to film TikToks in the school. Shortly after, in another cringeworthy and convenient character entrance, Kamala’s brother Aamir also shows up to help, saying he promised his and Kamala’s parents that he would look out for her. 

Over the course of a montage, the six devise a plan and set traps all over the school to brace for the DoDC’s inevitable arrival. However, Kamala and company aren’t only counting on the department’s arrival. Using Zoe’s (previously established) thousands of social media followers, Kamala puts out a message to the entire city to come and be the audience for the unfair standoff at the school. 

Right before the department arrives Bruno pulls Kamala aside to ask if she told Kamran about his mother’s death. When Kamala says that she hasn’t, Bruno begs her not to because he believes it could trigger Kamran’s powers in the worst way possible. She agrees, but it couldn’t be anymore obvious what happens next.

Despite tripping, trapping, and distracting numerous heavily armed DoDC agents upon their arrival, after learning of his mother’s fate from Kamala, Kamran loses control of his powers. Bruno, Nakia, Zoe, and Aamir all wind up in custody of the department, while Kamala and Kamran simultaneously battle each other and the department. As local community members - including Kamala’s mom and dad - turn out to see the showdown, they are nearly killed by Kamran who still can’t control his abilities. After realizing the error of his ways, he agrees to flee the battle. Kamala creates a distraction by destroying the rest of DoDC’s artillery. 

When Agent Cleary (Arian Moayed) finds out about Agent Deever’s reckless attack, he relieves her of duty and forces her to stand down. As she leaves the scene with the rest of the DoDC, Kamala is reunited with her friends and family. 

In a brief epilogue its revealed that Kamran made it to Pakistan, and we see him meet up with Kareem to presumably learn how to master his powers. Similar to how we saw Kamala gush over Captain Marvel in the series’ first episode, we now see members of Kamala’s community post videos online proclaiming their joy over the fact that there is Asian-American superhero now. In one of the episode’s final exchanges, Kamala sits outside her window pondering what’s next. She’s joined by her father, who tells her that he always knew she was destined for greatness. After all, Kamala is derived from the Muslim word “Kamal” … which means Marvel. He then goes on to say she’s always been the family’s “own Ms. Marvel.”

It doesn’t end there though. Its Marvel…ous post-credit cameo aside, the show sets up the future of the MCU with the introduction of one implicative word. One week after the events of the climax, Kamala meets up with Bruno and Nakia to hang out. In a brief exchange, Bruno mentions that he decided to take a look at Kamala’s genetics after her brother asked him if he could have powers too. Kamala shrugs off Bruno at first. But then Bruno tells her that he found something irregular in her genes: “a mutation.” 

And just like that we have the MCU’s first officially revealed mutant - for now anyway. Fans of the comics will know that this is a major departure from the character’s Inhuman origin. Seeing as the fate of those heroes (and the continuity of their awful show) is still up in the air, it makes sense as to why Marvel changed Kamala’s origin story. I think I speak for everyone when I say that no one saw her being the franchise’s gateway to the X-Men. While some of Marvel’s recent projects have proven to be convoluted or overambitious, this small revelation is a wonderful reminder of the beauty and excitement that still exists in this universe. Despite being in Phase Four, in some ways, it’s just the beginning. 

Ms. Marvel isn’t a perfect series. In fact, I’ve yet to see a Marvel/Disney+ series that is perfect, but I think it is one of the only that didn’t completely fumble by the end. In its admittedly messy exploration of high school, family, and magic, Ms. Marvel takes viewers across the world and through space and time. Although the ride isn’t always relatable or comprehensible, it is consistent in its message. Even as Kamala is called to do things that are bigger than her, every step of the way you understand that she’s just a teen still trying to find her place in the world. As she literally “embiggens” herself to face those challenges head-on, you realize that she’s embodying the best ability that everyone has access to: bravery.